Yay for Joshua!

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Friday, January 11, 2008

The start of something beautiful... a new year!

Yay for a NEW YEAR! Last year had lots of WONDERFUL events, but this family was ready for a change :) And changing we are--especially Jade Marie. She is developing all sorts of new skills and personality; it is a very fun time for all of us.

New things Jade is doing:

* Yelling--but in a happy, "I like to hear my voice" kind of way

* Rolling over consistently (both ways, but mostly tummy-to-back)

* Gurgling/"Talking" - she can go on for a WHILE

* Scooting forward on her tummy--already trying to crawl!

* Sitting assisted, almost unassisted in a "tripod"

* She found her feet! She likes to grab them when we are changing her; she gets confused when we help her bring her toes to her mouth and she tries to suck on them--she gets a look like "whoa--I was using my mouth, but I felt it on my toe, what is going on?!"

* Sleeping on a regular schedule - one long nap in the morning, one long nap in the afternoon, 9-10 hours at night :) WOOHOO for sleep!

* Speaking of sleeping... she is finally in her crib in her own room!

Aside from all of the exciting changes and development, her personality is really starting to show--she is quite a ham--a funny, happy, giggly-wiggly little joy who knows just how to make us smile at the end of a long hard day :) I can tell already that she is destined to make changes in the world--even if it means she makes people smile. Okay, that was my proud-mom moment!

Josh & I are trying to make some changes too--we both have after-baby weight (at least I actually carried the baby!) that we'd like to get rid of, so we are going to go walking together and eat better. It is NOT a new years resolution however--simply a life change (we don't want to jinx ourselves by calling it a resolution!)
Also, I want to take a moment to tell everyone how proud I am of Josh--he is now 46 days smoke-free, and totally dedicated to making sure this is really it!!! I LOVE YOU JOSHUA--I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! If anyone talks to Josh anytime soon, please make sure to tell him how awesome he is for his perseverence and will-power :) Oh--and Josh's "recipe" for quitting smoking, if anyone else is trying--get girl pregnant, look at baby after she or he is born, wait a few months... viola! Apparently that's all it takes ;)

She fell asleep sitting up, despite my attempts to keep her awake Ride 'em doggies! Worn-out by her Jumperoo :) I think Amanda taught her this look... This is your baby's face on booze... not really, but she loves to grab at bottles.

Late Christmas Blog...

MEMO - Dan, we need a picture of you with Jade! You are being left out... Also--CHAD & TYLER... we will take LOTS of pictures when we get to see you :)

Christmas with Jade Marie was AWESOME! Even though Josh and I had to (okay, GOT to) open all of her presents for her, it was so exciting to see her react to each new toy :) Obviously she didn't react too much to any of the new clothes, but she got some REALLY cute outfits from all of her grandmas and grandpas (and many other family members). Thank you to everyone who gave Jade a gift--we are blessed to have a very generous, loving family!

Instead of going over all of the details of the NUMEROUS Christmas celebrations we had this year, I've included a bunch of cute pictures... I know that's what you all visit the blog for anyway! Enjoy :)

This bear says her name--I think it freaked her out a bit :)