Yay for Joshua!

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Friday, January 11, 2008

The start of something beautiful... a new year!

Yay for a NEW YEAR! Last year had lots of WONDERFUL events, but this family was ready for a change :) And changing we are--especially Jade Marie. She is developing all sorts of new skills and personality; it is a very fun time for all of us.

New things Jade is doing:

* Yelling--but in a happy, "I like to hear my voice" kind of way

* Rolling over consistently (both ways, but mostly tummy-to-back)

* Gurgling/"Talking" - she can go on for a WHILE

* Scooting forward on her tummy--already trying to crawl!

* Sitting assisted, almost unassisted in a "tripod"

* She found her feet! She likes to grab them when we are changing her; she gets confused when we help her bring her toes to her mouth and she tries to suck on them--she gets a look like "whoa--I was using my mouth, but I felt it on my toe, what is going on?!"

* Sleeping on a regular schedule - one long nap in the morning, one long nap in the afternoon, 9-10 hours at night :) WOOHOO for sleep!

* Speaking of sleeping... she is finally in her crib in her own room!

Aside from all of the exciting changes and development, her personality is really starting to show--she is quite a ham--a funny, happy, giggly-wiggly little joy who knows just how to make us smile at the end of a long hard day :) I can tell already that she is destined to make changes in the world--even if it means she makes people smile. Okay, that was my proud-mom moment!

Josh & I are trying to make some changes too--we both have after-baby weight (at least I actually carried the baby!) that we'd like to get rid of, so we are going to go walking together and eat better. It is NOT a new years resolution however--simply a life change (we don't want to jinx ourselves by calling it a resolution!)
Also, I want to take a moment to tell everyone how proud I am of Josh--he is now 46 days smoke-free, and totally dedicated to making sure this is really it!!! I LOVE YOU JOSHUA--I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! If anyone talks to Josh anytime soon, please make sure to tell him how awesome he is for his perseverence and will-power :) Oh--and Josh's "recipe" for quitting smoking, if anyone else is trying--get girl pregnant, look at baby after she or he is born, wait a few months... viola! Apparently that's all it takes ;)

She fell asleep sitting up, despite my attempts to keep her awake Ride 'em doggies! Worn-out by her Jumperoo :) I think Amanda taught her this look... This is your baby's face on booze... not really, but she loves to grab at bottles.

1 comment:

Sam said...

*in a sing-song voice* Jade's got my bedroom eyes! That's right! Now we just need to get a picture of her in the mustang with a Westside gangsign. I can't believe you let her drink though. Jeeze, what kind of parents are you?! JK! Miss and love you guys!