Yay for Joshua!

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We're on vacation right now... in Texas. We spent yesterday, our first anniversary, at a lush resort (mostly at the swim-up bar) soaking up the rays and finished off the morning with in-room massages. Yeah, it's pretty sweet and we are living like royalty :)

We're getting to spend lots of time with my family and Jade is having tons of fun (and getting lots of attention).

I don't miss work :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joshua!!!

Okay, so Josh's birthday was on FRIDAY... but I didn't get around to posting on Friday :)

Birthday was... bittersweet. He got to spend some time in the morning with Jade, just hanging out. Then he dropped her off at daycare so we could get ready for the long day/night ahead of us.
Josh's stepmom's best-friend had a son, Scott, who passed away rather suddenly on Monday. We attended the services that afternoon; it was really quite a nice service, and some very brave friends and family shared some great stories. Scott was a pretty cool guy who unfortunately lost his battle with muscular dystrophy at a young age. Here is a link to his obit: http://www.legacy.com/Link.asp?I=LS000105549705X. Anyone with the means who is interested, donations to either Make-a-Wish or Muscular Dystrophy Association are welcome--hopefully we can find a cure or make someone with the disease's day a little brighter!

After that, we put on our happy face and headed over to the Silver Reef Casino, where the Whatcom County Corrections officers were having an event. Josh's parents treated us to tickets (Jim is a corrections officer), which included a DELICIOUS buffet dinner (the almond-stuffed chicken was amazing!) and a show put-on by the Upfront Theater. Those that don't know--the Upfront is an improv group that Ryan Stiles (the tall funny guy from the Drew Carrey show) started in Bellingham. If anyone will be up this way and wants to see a show: http://www.theupfront.com/default.asp They are awesome, and the show was HILARIOUS--no Ryan Stiles though! Of course Josh was pulled-up on stage, but (unfortunately) he didn't have to do anything embarassing :)
Then we finished-off our night out with a little bit of gambling (which Chris had to show us how to do--no worries that either of us will become gambling addicts anytime soon!). I broke even, but Josh won $50 bucks (ok, $35 when you consider what he paid-in)!!! That's huge money to both of us, who've never gambled before, especially playing the penny slots. He instantly pulled his card from the machine and said "lets go cash out!"
So we topped-off the night by picking up our sleeping beauty from daycare (Ivana agreed to watch her for the evening for free--what a great lady!) and went home to cuddle and go to sleep :)

All-in-all, it was a great birthday for Josh, and he doesn't look a day over 25 (he's only 28) ;)


Sitting up

Showing off her new ability...

6-Month (almost 7) Portraits

So we waited until Miss Jade could sit-up on her own... which happened to be closer to 7-months than 6. The pictures are still cute! She actually was not in the greatest of moods, and the photographer kind of sucked, but we got some good ones anyway :)

Oh--and thanks to TIMEC (and the Sears giftcards they always give out), we ended up only paying $23 for everything--score!

And you may notice a trend--sucking her thumb!!!


This "series" of shots were not that great--our "photographers" suggestion!

Best Easter pic

With little Lambie She looks EXACTLY like my baby pics here!

Best Tub pic--so cute!
Hmm... sucking her thumb?
I think she put the duck in her mouth after this...
Oh my gosh--sucking her thumb again! She must have strong muscles though...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Childbirth Class Reunion

Last Sunday we met up with the families from the childbirth class we attended before little Miss Sunshine came into our lives. It was great, as always, to get together with this really warm group of people who all have a common understanding of what our life is like right now! And of course, to see all the adorable babies and how they have grown (last time we met was around 3 months).

Our camera is not the greatest for capturing action shots (i.e. babies), but I've attached a few cute pics from the get-together (you can see them better if you click on them):

In order of age, left to right Pretty much the only 3 not crying... of course, Jade is just hanging out

Growing, growing, growing!

6 (1/2) month update:

Jade continues to be an easy-going, loving, playful, FUN baby :) One woman even made the comment that Jade made her want to have a baby--and she previously did not. Also, another care provider who previously did not care for babies is now accepting babies at her center after meeting Jade. I would love to say that this is all mine and Josh's doing-that we molded her into a happy little person-but she is amazing all on her own--she's just so darn smiley! Even when we are grouchy or arguing or whining, she is happy and bright. In fact, she likes to grab at our lips if we are arguing, then laugh at us. Obviously, it stops the arguing and we move on to loving our baby instead of nit-picking over the little things. Maybe she will be a therapist some day...
New stuff she is working on:
-Sit on her own, unassisted. She can't pull herself into this position, but will sit and play if you put her there.
-Using a sippy-cup. And she does it well! Except when she just wants to chew on it, and the juice goes halfway down her chest... that's what bibs are for!
-"Eating" rice krispies--sort of. The doctor said they are not a choking hazard since they "melt" in your mouth--Josh went right out and bought a big box. She hasn't quite figured them out, but she like to play with them.
-Inch-worm crawling (too cute!)... she can get about 3-5 feet
-Eating "solid" foods pretty consistently--we're just about ready to move to 2nd foods (i.e. more flavors!). Her favorites: sweet potatoes, peas, applesauce, and carrots. Not a big fan of oatmeal (maybe she gets that from Mom...) or bananas.
-"Conversing": she will repeat (or expect you to repeat) a variety of sounds, for a good 20 minutes or more. She gets mad if you don't repeat. Real mad. My favorite is her "monster" noise--it's a cute little growl. No "mama" yet.
-Holding things really well and passing them from hand to hand. She also likes to grab anything that Mom or Dad may be holding. She has mostly stopped bonking herself with her harder toys (thank goodness)
-Had to go up to the next size in cloth diapers. They are huge on her skinny little body. I wish I had a picture, but Josh's description should give you a good visual: "she looks like she sat in a chair and it stuck to her butt when she stood up". Huge.
-6-month check-up stats: 14lbs 10 oz, 24.5 inches "long", 16 inches around the head, and very healthy! Basically, she is short like her mom, and skinny with a small head like her dad. Good things come in small packages. Doc also said she has great skin, probably due in part to using cloth diapers. Go green!

Enough yaking... here are some long-over due pictures.

Finally a good picture of the teeth! Making faces on the side of her playpen-always a source of entertainment & laughter Smiling up from her playpenAlways smiling Krispies... and that darn thumb in her mouth

How she eats her Krispies... with her thumb! Eating sweet potatoes with Dad (she looks just like him here) Not giving the spoon back!The cutest messy face