Yay for Joshua!

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joshua!!!

Okay, so Josh's birthday was on FRIDAY... but I didn't get around to posting on Friday :)

Birthday was... bittersweet. He got to spend some time in the morning with Jade, just hanging out. Then he dropped her off at daycare so we could get ready for the long day/night ahead of us.
Josh's stepmom's best-friend had a son, Scott, who passed away rather suddenly on Monday. We attended the services that afternoon; it was really quite a nice service, and some very brave friends and family shared some great stories. Scott was a pretty cool guy who unfortunately lost his battle with muscular dystrophy at a young age. Here is a link to his obit: http://www.legacy.com/Link.asp?I=LS000105549705X. Anyone with the means who is interested, donations to either Make-a-Wish or Muscular Dystrophy Association are welcome--hopefully we can find a cure or make someone with the disease's day a little brighter!

After that, we put on our happy face and headed over to the Silver Reef Casino, where the Whatcom County Corrections officers were having an event. Josh's parents treated us to tickets (Jim is a corrections officer), which included a DELICIOUS buffet dinner (the almond-stuffed chicken was amazing!) and a show put-on by the Upfront Theater. Those that don't know--the Upfront is an improv group that Ryan Stiles (the tall funny guy from the Drew Carrey show) started in Bellingham. If anyone will be up this way and wants to see a show: http://www.theupfront.com/default.asp They are awesome, and the show was HILARIOUS--no Ryan Stiles though! Of course Josh was pulled-up on stage, but (unfortunately) he didn't have to do anything embarassing :)
Then we finished-off our night out with a little bit of gambling (which Chris had to show us how to do--no worries that either of us will become gambling addicts anytime soon!). I broke even, but Josh won $50 bucks (ok, $35 when you consider what he paid-in)!!! That's huge money to both of us, who've never gambled before, especially playing the penny slots. He instantly pulled his card from the machine and said "lets go cash out!"
So we topped-off the night by picking up our sleeping beauty from daycare (Ivana agreed to watch her for the evening for free--what a great lady!) and went home to cuddle and go to sleep :)

All-in-all, it was a great birthday for Josh, and he doesn't look a day over 25 (he's only 28) ;)


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