Except teething & socializing.
TEETHING--experts say "many babies may be finally getting their first teeth finally. Some babies may not get any teefers until around their first birthday". Jade now has FIVE teeth--2 top, 3 bottom. She has more teeth than any baby I know her age. Which tells me one things... like her Mom, she loves good yummy fruit that requires teeth to eat :) Maybe I am projecting...
SOCIALIZING--experts say "babies don't really interact, play with, or actively seek out the company of other babies. They are much more interested in toys & Mommy or Daddy". Despite the fact that I have read that several times, I think it's total crap!!! Jade LOVES playing with other kids, especially other babies. And, as you can see below, she's not the only one! I have a video of these two crawling around together that I will try to get posted today or tomorrow--it's sickeningly cute.
Little boy in the picture is a friend of the family's son; he is about 14 months old. Jade is already interested in shoes... his.