Yay for Joshua!

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Never too late...

Ok, OKAY... OKAY! Here are some pictures! I am the worst mother ever, and I must not love my child because I don't share any pictures of her with any of you--does that pretty much sum it up?!?!
:) I jest, I jest... although, if any/all of you wanted to call JOSH next time to beg for long-overdue pictures, I would be more than happy to dole out his number.I know you all just check-in for the pictures, but here is a short(ened) summary of going-ons in the Sebastian Family:
  • Jade now has 16 teeth--she is an eating machine! Among her favorite foods: mac & cheese or Dad's tomato-cheese pasta, PB&J, ALL fruit, french fries (MUST have ketchup for dipping!), and anything on Mom or Dad's plate.
  • All 3 of us have shared the same cold with each other at least 3 times now... it's getting a little old! But it also helps explain why we've been "off the map" for awhile now. Apologies all around.
  • Josh & I got a night-out last weekend, with a FREE stay at a hotel here in town! It was great (minus getting sick for the 3rd time) to getaway and not go-broke doing so :)
  • Jade has QUITE the vocabulary now... she can say (of course I've forgotten some, I'm sure):
  1. 'Peak-up, poot-away' (pick-up, put-away) while she cleans up
  2. 'Peas' (please) & 'Tank Oo' (thank you) which she says ALL the time
  3. 'Toota' (Tooka) her stuffed penguin
  4. 'Moe' (More) + she can sign this one!
  5. 'Hep' (Help)... usually followed by please!
  6. 'Bu-Bye'
  7. All the colors in a book of colors (although I think she knows the pictures with the sound of the word, not so much the color with the correct color-word)--pink, purple, red, blue, yellow, gray, white, black, orange, green (creepy green--if you saw the picture you'd understand!), and brown.
  8. Animals and their sounds - she will go through books with pictures of animals and make the sound they make! And she knows "uckys" (duckys) by site VERY well.
  9. 'Dodie' (Doggie) and 'Kit' (Kitty) when she sees the cats or dog (the real ones, not in books!)

That about covers the basics... oh, and Jade weighs a healthy 24.6 lbs (right on track) :)

She is going to get her haircut next weekend, and I am sad :( Josh is right though--it's time :P

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