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Friday, December 14, 2007

The Ever-Present cold(s)...

Wow... happy baby! In the cute hat Dad picked out :)

Poor Jade... she can't seem to fully shake this cold she's had now for almost 2 months! She's had something on-and-off for awhile now, but right now it is the worst; she's got a sore throat which makes her cry--and the crying makes it hurt worse! It's a vicious cycle. Grandma Susan came over for and hour or so to watch Jade so I could make some dinner and Josh could lay down (he is sick too!)... funny how you can forget to eat when your baby is not feeling well! Despite all that, she is her bright, cheery self (when she is not crying)! I can't get over how blessed we are to have such a wonderful little person in our lives... but if she would stop growing now, that would be great. Next Friday she will be 4 months old--just in time for Christmas. We hope that she loves Christmas just as much as her namesake-Auntie Jade Harmony.

Happy despite her catching every germ out there!

Despite not feeling good, she managed to amaze us yet again--Jade Marie rolled over for the first time last night! In the midst of feeling yucky and crying, she smiled up at me, then just rolled from her tummy to her back (no struggling) and thought it was so great she giggled :) She did it so smoothly, it was like she has known how for awhile and had just been saving it for a special moment... what a sweet baby! She also found her thumb recently (after all this time and the Binky), and it is too cute to watch her TRY to suck her thumb! She'll get it in there and be content and then pull it out and cry; then put it back in and the cycle begins again. She's getting better at it though--cute picture below :) MOM--notice her hand on her nose, just like someone we both know used to do!

Josh and I are supposed to have a "romantic" night together tomorrow evening--the TIMEC Christmas party (or year-end celebration to be PC) is going on in La Conner, then we got a hotel room for the evening and Jade is staying with Grandma Diana. Hopefully everyone will be feeling better so we can actually enjoy ourselves!

Sucking her thumb

Sucking MOM's Thumb (and looking very intent about it)

Sucking her whole hand!

1 comment:

Sam said...

Score one for thumbsuckers!! Sweet. If possible, she's getting cuter every day and I miss her so much! I told mom I can't have kids because you already have the attractive one.