Yay for Joshua!

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thanksgiving, the Snowy weekend, and more!

Very overdue update! Hey--it's me we're talking about here, so of course it's late :)

Jade's very first Thanksgiving came and went with all 3 of us having a cold at one point or another! We had a big turkey dinner at Harriett's house (Susan's mom... so, my step-grandma-in-law? One of the grandmas!), and then went for dessert at Darby Estates with Diana & Jim and the Weisenburger side of the family. Both were very nice and had lots of good food, but Jade was fussy and just wanted to sleep! And I heard the joke about blending turkey and putting it in Jade's bottle just ONE too many times. Josh & I both had a nice 4-day weekend, but we each got a cold one right after the other, so we didn't do a whole lot.

Last weekend was spent at home cuddling with Jade and cleaning the house. It snowed on Friday night/Saturday, then all went away with LOTS of rain and wind on Sunday! If anyone out-of-area is reading this--yes, we are fine, no we are not flooded. Lots of people in the Seattle area are though--so send thoughts, prayers, whatever their way!

Jade got to see snow for the first time--she just stared and tried to watch certain flakes as they fell... I don't think she was too interested. She has grown so much in the 3 short months she's been alive--it's amazing! She "talks" all time now, and is very attentive and alert. We lucked out--she is really a very good baby and doesn't fuss that much, but smiles and laughs all the time. She especially likes standing on her Dad's legs and babbling and laughing with him :) I think it's funniest when she drools on his face while doing this--good stuff! Jade is also kicking and grabbing with more purpose lately--she will kick things to watch them move, and grab things to put them in her mouth (coincidentally, I've had my hair back in a ponytail a lot!). And she finally noticed Princess Ducky during bath time! Ivana said that after this last weekend, she seems like she has grown up so much--she is interacting more with the kids at daycare and her schedule is pretty good now (at home too--yay for sleeping through the night!). We think she might be starting to teethe already, but she's not fussing about it yet--thank goodness!

Now that she can hold her head steady, we got her first "chair"--the BeBe Pod. First thing she did when we sat her in it--turned to watch TV! It was pretty funny--I think she would've kept watching if I didn't move her into a different room (she was straining to turn to it when I tried to just turn her around)! It's eerie how grown-up she looks sitting in her chair.

Perhaps the greatest thing that happened this weekend--Josh quit smoking!!! We both realize that he has tried before and it's very hard for him to do, but I am just so happy he's even trying :) He's trying the nicotene gum this time (instead of just cold turkey), so maybe this'll be the thing that really helps him do it; he already has a sweet-tooth again because he can taste everything and a larger appetite... it is 3 days and counting now... YAY! GO JOSH!!!

By the way--for those of you that don't know, if you click on the pictures they will open up larger :)

The BeBe Pod - and the cutest smile ever!
Drooling, as usual
Sitting in the Pod with Mom (notice the drool on my shirt--hers, not mine)
Josh's first day of no-smoking... not exactly a happy camper!

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