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Monday, November 19, 2007

Jade's First Portraits & the Super-Busy Weekend

Our kid is so freakin cute... she was tired and not too happy at her pictures this weekend, but as soon as she saw a flash, she was all smiles. Total diva--I love it! We got some Christmas pictures (in the ADORABLE dress that her PaPa/Grandpa Bear picked out) and a family picture... I put the tiny, pixelated copies below from the website--the best I can do without purchasing the CD for $99.99 (not gonna happen)!

Busy weekend for all of us... Friday night Susan watched Jade for us so we could go out on our first real date since she was born. We went to dinner at Applebee's and saw Beowulf (it was okay). While we were waiting for the movie to start, we stopped in to El Gitano's for a drink--perfect timing, as the owner and a small mariachi band were singing right next to us, so we were serenaded over our drinks! I couldn't understand it, but they sounded like love songs, so I thought it was romantic. We got home to a sleeping Jade and slept good for once!

We got to have a REAL date night!

Courtney, my friend from H.S., and her husband Ron came up to visit us in the Ham on Saturday. We went to lunch at Busara (where Ron attempted to eat 4-star soup--funny to watch!) and then had coffee at Starbucks. It was GREAT to see them, especially since they are moving to Atlanta soon. Jade did pretty well in both places and enjoyed hanging out with Court & Ron (she was pretty mellow though). Then we stopped by Josh's mom's place to feed Jade and catch the latest episode of Las Vegas that we missed--so good! If you're into LV and you missed it, you need to see it! Finally, we visited Josh's brother Chris and his wife Toby for dinner... and had some homemade Thai food that Chris made! It was delicious, but I think we've had our Thai-food fix for awhile :)

Smiling with Mom after her long day

Smiling with Dad after her long day
Sunday was picture day... but we couldn't just go get pictures--oh no, we had to jam-pack the weekend! I got my make-up done at the Clinique counter (I was buying moisturizer anyway--all the ladies thought Jade was "precious" and "just like a little doll!") while Josh shopped around with Jade (he is apparently a chick-magnet when carrying our daughter--women will flirt with him even if I am standing there! Not that he wasn't handsome before, but now I practically have to beat women off with a stick). Jade spit-up on my shirt (as she loves to do) and I didn't have another one, so we shopped for another black shirt (found a cute one for CHEAP!). And Josh needed a beanie because he'd got his hair cut the day before and now his head gets cold. So, long weekend short--we are broke now, but had lots of fun and got some great pictures out of it! Thank goodness we get paid weekly...

I don't know if you can see it or not, but she is drooling, and there is a small pool of drool on the mat below her--too funny!

She was pretty upset by this time, but her smile still came out with that flash!

Too freakin adorable...

The family pic that actually turned out!

1 comment:

Sam said...

You guys all look so good! Jade is frickin ADORABLE. I miss her quite a bit! : (. You and Jade are both big hams for the camera. Give her a big hug and kiss for me! Miss you guys.