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Monday, February 4, 2008

She's growing up WAY TOO FAST!!!

No pics in this one--sorry, I forgot the camera today! I'll try to remember tomorrow and post some that go with all the exciting stuff I am about to write about. :)

Jade has chompers! TWO!!! I remember checking for teeth on Thursday (in the midst of our two-week-long sickness--all 3 of us), and nothing... then on Saturday Josh says "she's got teeth!" I, or course being the all-knowing, super-connected and bonded to my daughter Mother said "no she doesn't--I would know."

Low and behold--she has her two bottom teeth :) Excitement--and another lesson in humility! This also explains why she has not been feeling too well lately (aside from her mom and dad being sick)... but she has been grinning and bearing through all of it! Babies really are sweet and innocent--Josh and I bitched and moaned the whole time we were sick, and she just smiled and played and laughed and loved, all the while being sick and teeth coming in! She's amazing.

Also... she said her first word. DADA! I cried of course, but Josh got teary-eyed too. Now every time she says it, he gets all excited and picks her up and says "Yes baby--I'm dada!" and the baby-talk continues between them. I recorded it on my cell phone, but I am still working on how to possibly post that--we'll see.

She has been eating "food" now for a couple of weeks--so far just sweet potatoes and carrots, but she's doing really great! I've seen babies much older not get half as much down as she does... of course, she does love to play with her food though :)
Other than that, she can consistently bring her feet to her mouth by herself now--got some pretty cute pics of that, I'll make sure to post. Ivana made the comment that she is just "the perfect baby" because she is always happy and does all of the cute things that babies are known for doing, and not too many of the things that are hard to deal with (colic, poopy blow-outs, etc.). I'll have to agree! Planning to get 6-month pictures in a few weeks, and again I'll post the proofs from Sears' website when they come through.
At only 5 1/2 months old, she has dramatically changed our lives for the better... pretty big accomplishment for a little lady that can only say one word so far! I can't say enough how much I love her and how blessed we are. Thank you everyone for your love and support in raising her--it certainly does take a village! That being said, anyone wishing to give parenting advice can only do so if they've changed one of her poopy diapers ;) Just kidding...

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