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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valarie Day!

I have a friend at work named Valarie--I emailed her "Happy V-Day!", and realized her name starts with a "V", and we could just celebrate HER! So don't buy cards, chocolates, or flowers for anyone you know UNLESS their name is Valarie :) Just kidding...

Jade Marie, Joshua and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day--full of love and happiness and kind gestures shared between loved ones, friends, and anyone else who needs a smile. Instead of spending money on gifts, challenge yourself to simply make someone's day! They will remember your kindness much longer than the chocolates that would only increase their waist-size ;) (Getting off my soapbox now...)

We also wanted to share our sentiment on this happy day with everyone:
We love our friends and family so much--all of your love and support is amazing, thank you.

And, in case anyone is wondering what the weather is like in our neck of the woods:

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