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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vacation, Finally :)

I won't write as much as I normally might... our very first family vacation earlier this year (March 2008) was GREAT! Josh & I got some alone time at a FABULOUS resort in Galveston for our anniversary, and we got to spend lots of time with Jade and my side of the family in Texas (my parents and my sister). Also, my brother Chad came down (he lives in CA) as a surprise when we arrived--it was great to see him, and he LOVED meeting and playing with Jade (not to mention shopping for and buying her ridiculously cute outfits)! Jade did fairly well on the plane trip(s) and slept for the most part... although I got a "lap-full" on the last leg of the trip (I won't go into details... but it was stinky and wet!) and she got pretty fussy having to sit in our laps the whole time. Can't say I blame her!

All-in-all, it was a fun, WARM trip--thanks to everyone who helped out (my parents with the cost, anyone who watched and helped with the animals, Carol for helping me cover things at work, and anyone else I missed!).

Checkin out the fishies at the Zoo
Jade & Josh popping out of a mole-hole at the Zoo
The elephant family!
Two Funny birds I saw...
Reading with Grammie & Papa--Dr. Seuss of course!
Here is a slideshow of all of our pictures... WAY too many to post here!!! But if you like any of them and want to see the full-size picture, just click on it in the slideshow.

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