Yay for Joshua!

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Friday, February 22, 2008

A Week in the Life...

Daycare... work... eating new foods... spitting out new foods... back-pain... growing-pains... teething-pain... distraction... toys... sharing... holding hands... smiles & laughter... baths in the kitchen sink... baths in the soaker tub... playing with cardboard boxes... packing out-grown baby clothes in cardboard boxes... more smiles and laughter... sucking on and playing with tiny toes... painting toenails (first time in a year!)... sharing a special look or smile... babbling non-stop... playing with "Dada" or funny "Mr. Pants-on-the-Head"... burping :)... trying to crawl but scooting like an inchworm... crawling off the couch to make dinner... putting everything in the mouth... cleaning everything before and after it goes in the mouth... grins & giggles... learning... cuddling... laundry... MORE LAUNDRY... living for the weekend... going to the park as a family... seeing everything again for the first time through a baby's eyes... being fascinated with mommy and daddy's eyes... drying alligator tears... overwhelmed with excitement... comforting and trying to stop the real tears... catching up with old friends... making new friends-young & old... hugs... picture taking... picture sharing... "talking"/slobbering on the phone... talking with family... missing family... visiting family... kisses... and more kisses... alone-time... quiet-time... sleeping...

In a word... LOVE.

NOTE: the camera died as Josh was zooming in to take a picture of me and Jade!

1 comment:

Sam said...

She's getting so big! What a cutie!