Yay for Joshua!

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Bellingham is the new Chicago

For those of you not living in this area, we had a CRAZY windstorm today! While the highest official Bellingham gust was only 74 MPH, we had an un-official gust of 97 MPH and Clallam Bay had an official recording of 92 MPH. I called the daycare several times today to check on Jade--the home that her child care provider lives and works out of is surrounded by TONS of tall, TALL trees. Needless to say, she is safe. I checked on Josh several times too--he was fine and getting to do a lot of NOT working :) I am still at work, but heard that power is out in several areas in Bellingham... crossing my fingers that we still have power when we get home (to an area also surrounded by tons of tall trees)!

"Power outages and gusts to 92 mph as windstorm hits region"
This picture is a gas station down the hill from WWU, I think ;)

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