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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Stephanie is a smart lady... with a lot more time than me!

My friend Stephanie pointed out that I should create a blog for all my friends and relatives to see pictures of whats going on in my life (okay--I know you all just want to see Jade!), so I'm going to ATTEMPT to do that :) I'm not very good at keeping things like this updated, but here we go anyhow...

Last weekend was the Childbirth class reunion--6 of the 10 babies (and their parents of course) came to meet for the first time and have a potluck dinner... I was the only one not breastfeeding! :( While I was a tiny bit jealous, I was happy and proud that the other moms were using the "natural" food for thier babies. GO BREASTFEEDING!
Here is a picture of the group - Jade is 3rd from the right:

Halloween was pretty uneventful for Jade, Josh & I--although we visited Jade's gramma up here, we mostly just dressed her up for pictures and we didn't have any trick-or-treaters! She wasn't too fond of the Chili Pepper costume, but the pictures sure turned out cute!

Jade started childcare last week, so our lives have been a bit topsy-turvy trying to get on a schedule--luckily my boss is great and doesn't bat an eye when I call to say I am running late AGAIN. Once we are a little more straightened out, I will try to keep this blog updated regularly! Til then, hopefully I'll get around to posting again this week(end)!

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